South Sudan Media Centre

WHO South Sudan: boosting efforts to tackle potential cholera outbreak in Upper Nile State

South Sudan over the years has faced several cholera outbreaks, affecting vulnerable populations, the country has made remarkable strides to prevent cholera outbreaks.

Ahead of the rainy season in 2024, South Sudan has scaled up efforts to prepare and respond to potential cholera outbreak in Upper Nile State with is hosting majority of the people fleeing fighting in the Sudan.


Soudan du Sud : des services de santé pour sauver les communautés touchées par la crise

Plus d'un an après le début de la crise au Soudan, les réfugiés et les retournés continuent d'arriver au Soudan du Sud.

Nombre d'entre eux sont confrontés à des conditions de vie difficiles et à des problèmes de santé, notamment la malnutrition et les maladies infectieuses.

L'USAID, l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé et leurs partenaires fournissent des services de santé essentiels aux communautés touchées par la crise.


WHO South Sudan: Key accomplishments 2021‒2023

Over the years 2021 to 2023, the WHO South Sudan country office made remarkable strides towards achieving its goals. This period was marked by several noteworthy accomplishments, each of which impacted the health sector.

L'OMS renforce la vaccination au Sud-Soudan

Juba, Soudan du Sud - Avec le soutien du service européen de protection civile et d'aide humanitaire (ECHO), l'OMS a formé environ 1000 agents vaccinateurs contre la COVID-19 au Soudan du Sud. Le pays a pour objectif de vacciner environ 60 % des adultes contre la COVID-19 d'ici à la fin décembre 2022.

WHO South Sudan Vaccination Boost

Juba, South Sudan ‒ With support from the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), WHO has trained around 1000 COVID-19 vaccinators in South Sudan. The country aims to vaccinate around 60% of adults against COVID-19 by the end of December 2022. #who #covid19 #africa #southsudan